How to Start a Successful Travel Blog

If you’re passionate about traveling and want to monetize this interest, starting a travel blog can be a great way to mix business with pleasure and make a living at the same time.

The idea of getting paid to travel and write about it sounds like a dream come true, but there’s one thing you should bear in mind – this is a very crowded niche. Many people are looking for a way to ditch their nine-to-five jobs and do something more dynamic, so you can expect fierce competition.

We’re talking about 600 million blogs, which means that you’ll have to try hard in order to find your place under the digital sun. Millions of other travel bloggers left no stone unturned in their search for undiscovered destinations, meaning that practically every spot of the earth has been covered in travel blogs.

Having said that, it’s never too late to get started and offer the world your unique perspective on things and take a stab at becoming a successful travel blogger.

That’s why we decided to help you navigate the frothy waters of travel blogging and explain in detail how to start, maintain, and grow a successful travel blog.

Step 1: Identify Your Audience

Since you probably don’t intend to start a travel blog that nobody will read, you need to establish who your audience is so that you can tailor your content based on their news and interests.

As a matter of fact, you should make sure to always write your blog posts with your readers in mind. This approach to travel blogging is what will ultimately help you make money out of this hobby.

So, how do you get started with identifying your target audience?

Decide what you want to write about

Yes, the idea is to start a travel blog, but that’s too wide a topic, so you need to dig deeper and figure out what particular aspects of traveling you want to explore.

Will you craft general, destination-based guides, offer travel tips, or you want to jazz up your content with lifestyle, sports, or food topics?

Think about what your thing is and, and let this be your influence. Keep in mind that it’s essential to add personality to your writing if you want every blog post to be genuine and original.

Figure out what problems you want to solve for your readers

The purpose of the content is to answer searchers’ questions and help them solve certain problems.

If you want your travel blog to be successful, then you need to ask yourself two things:

  1. Who are the people who will find your content useful?
  2. What problems can you help them solve?

To identify and better understand your target audience, list the following information about your readers:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Job
  • Income level
  • Marital status
  • Their interests
  • Where they like to hang out online
  • Their problems and pain points that your blog will try to solve.

This process will help you imagine a specific person who is, for example, a 20-30 years old female living in, say, Ohio, and working as a marketing representative. Her income level is approximately $50k a year, she’s not married, and she likes spending time with her friends and family, traveling on a budget, and reading. As for online channels, she spends a lot of time watching YouTube and scrolling through Instagram posts.

Finally, she would like to quit her steady job and become a digital nomad, so she wants to find out whether that’s feasible and what places she can travel to safely and without spending too much money. Basically, your travel blog can be her guide to starting a new life and career.

Research your competitors

Before you start your travel blog, it’s a good idea to find out who your competitors are and analyze their blog posts.

By spying on those who are in the same niche and who are covering the same topics as you are, you’ll be able to spot potential content gaps and figure out how to do things better. This is the best way to distinguish yourself from the crowd and become a successful travel blogger.

Step 2: Pick a Name

Another important question to tackle after you ask yourself “how to start a travel blog” concerns picking the best and most appropriate name that will reflect your personality and communicate what you’ll be writing about.

The trick is to come up with something unique, memorable, and in line with your brand. Also, thin long-term and opt for a blog name that will be relevant within a year or five. “Asia in your hand” might not be a choice, because it would prevent you from expanding your travel blogging efforts to other parts of the world.

Here are some tips to help you get started with your brainstorming efforts.

  1. Think outside the box. Many travel blog posts tirelessly exploit terms such as “adventure,” “globetrotter,” “backpacking,” or “nomad.” There’s nothing wrong with these, but if you want to cut through the noise, you have to be more creative and pick a name that hasn’t been overused.
  2. Keep it short and sweet. In order for your travel blog to always be on your audience’s radar, use a short name, with simple spelling, that’s easy to memorize and find on the search engine. While going for something that’s clever, funny but complicated might be tempting, the very fact that your blog name is tricky to remember can harm your branding efforts. Limit yourself to no more than four or five words.
  3. Forget about hyphens and special characters. Travel blogs with hyphens and other special characters in their URLs are hard to describe let alone remember. Just think about how saying “It’s travel-hyphen-around-hyphen-the-world-on-hyphen-budget” would sound. Even the idea of writing such a blog name is an absolute nightmare and a branding disaster.
  4. Don’t pick something you’ll later regret. Using a cheeky or unprofessional name for your travel blog might come back to haunt you. Profanities and dirty words will definitely raise a few eyebrows and call your reputation into question. In other words, respectable companies don’t want to be associated with a blog whose name will have to be censored or bleeped.
  5. Opt for a .com extension. Your domain name also matters, so make sure to check whether the one you want can have extension. Not only is this what people type when they’re trying to find your blog online, but it’s also considered a top-level domain and favored by Google.
  6. Choose a name that’s available across social media channels. Before you make a final decision and purchase your domain name, check whether you can use it on different social media platforms. In case the name you pick for your travel blog isn’t available on a big platform such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, tweak it so that you can have a matching username.

Take these 6 tips into consideration before you start a travel blog, because changing it is a complex and time-consuming endeavor, not to mention that it can have a negative impact on your branding.

Step 3: Set Up Hosting

Before you can travel the world and write about your experiences, you’ll first have to deal with some technical aspects of starting a travel blog.

In case you’re still a beginner in the world of blogging, it’s a good idea to explain some of the basic concepts, some of which we’ve already mentioned, such as a domain name and hosting.

  • A domain name refers to the URL of your blog. It’s what you see in the URL/address bar, and in our case it’s This is practically the address of your blog, and you have to claim or register it in order to be able to use it. Bear in mind that paying for a domain name doesn’t mean that you’ll get a hosting service. You can use two separate providers for your domain name and hosting.
  • A web hosting company allows companies and individuals to publish their websites and make them accessible on the internet. It’s safe to say that it’s the process of renting out online space that will house your travel blog.

There are numerous hosting providers, but Bluehost is among the most reliable ones, which means that you won’t have to worry about potential downtime. Opting for Bluehost has yet another benefit – you’ll get a free domain name for the first year.

This is pretty much everything you have to know when it comes to technical aspects of a domain name and hosting, as your provider will take care of everything else.

Since we warmly recommend Bluehost, we’ll mention a couple of additional perks of using their services, which can come in handy especially if you’re only starting a travel blog for the first time.

It’s easy to get started

There are four available hosting plans and you can opt for the most affordable plan at the beginning of your blogging journey, and if things start going smooth, you can always upgrade to the recommended Choice Plus. The latter comes with additional domain privacy and security features at only $5.45 per month. The price difference between the basic plan and this one is negligible and you’ll get more bang for your buck.

There are numerous powerful plugins

When your travel blog starts to grow, you’ll probably want to add some functionalities such as different payment options, social media buttons, live chat, to name just a few. This will not only make it easier for you to manage your blog but also help your user experience and SEO.

24/7 support

This is an extremely important factor when it comes to choosing a hosting company because the odds are that you’ll run into an issue that needs solving. That’s where 1:1 guidance can be of use.

To sum up what you have achieved so far:

  • Pick a domain name –  check.
  • Sign up for hosting – check.

Let’s move on to another important step that will bring you closer to starting a travel blog and hopefully making money off of it.

Step 4: Install WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms, and it powers almost 40% of the entire internet.

It’s an excellent solution for beginners because it’s user-friendly and features a ton of different plugins and themes, meaning that you’ll be able to customize your travel blog.

What’s also worth mentioning is that if you want to start a travel blog on WordPress, you can do it for free!

So, how do you set up WordPress and start a blog?

After signing up for a Bluehost plan, you’ll be asked to configure a WordPress password.

The next step is logging into your account and picking a WordPress theme. Don’t spend too much time on this at the moment, as for the time being, this will serve only as a placeholder before you decide to customize your blog and pick another, preferably, premium theme.

To install WordPress, click on the Start Building button, and when asked what kind of website you want to set up, choose Business.

What follows is providing the name of your new travel blog and its description. Again, this is something that you can edit later on, so don’t dwell on these two boxes for too long at the moment.

Here are a couple of additional installation tips to help you optimize your travel blog:

  • Opt for a Static welcome page as it’s easier to customize later on
  • Don’t add your physical business address just yet, as it’s most probably your home address and you don’t want to share this information with people around the world
  • Skip for now when you’re asked whether you want to install WooCommerce. It’s a plugin that will add e-commerce functionality to your travel blog, but there’s no need to install it before you start actually creating content and offering merch and other products through your website.

And that’s how you’ll get your travel blog up and running.

However, we’re only halfway through answering your “how to start a travel blog” question.

Step 5: Explore Your WordPress Dashboard

Now that you have physically created your blog, it would be a good idea to check out your WordPress dashboard and learn the ropes of posting, editing, and publishing your blog posts.

Check the left-hand side of your website to find the WordPress dashboard, and you’ll see the following:

  • Posts. This is where you click when you want to write your blog posts and publish them
  • Pages. This tab is where you can add and configure your static pages, such as About Me or Contact Page
  • Comments. Hopefully, your travel blogging efforts will be engaging enough to generate feedback from your readers. By clicking the Comments tab you’ll be able to see when readers leave a comment, approve it, and respond to them
  • Appearance. When you decide to add new WordPress themes, change the font, add graphics, or tweak the appearance of your blog in any other way
  • Plugins. In order to optimize your website and make it more functional, you should install plugins, that is, additional features
  • Settings. Finally, this tab allows you to change your blog settings.

Although after reading this your idea to start a travel blog might seem like a very challenging task, the thing is that you should let it sink in and everything will start to fall into place once you actually start blogging and publishing your posts.

Step 6: Pick and Install a WordPress Theme

Did you know that it takes approximately 0.05 seconds for your visitors to form an opinion about your website?

This tiny fraction of a second determines whether they will stay and read your content or leave.

Besides, the success of every travel blog heavily relies on its visual appeal, so the task of picking the best WordPress theme is very serious.

But what exactly is a WordPress theme?

It’s a folder that contains all the important files that contain the information about the design and aesthetics of your blog. A theme is what determines your layout, color, formatting, and in some cases even fonts.

We’ve already mentioned that you can choose between premium and free WordPress themes. It’s crucial to stress that you should by no means install free themes that aren’t listed in the official WordPress directory.

People tend to be very suspicious when they see the “free” disclaimer before a product or service. However, in this case, you don’t have to worry as free themes approved by WordPress have been vetted and reviewed, which means that they’re safe and in compliance with the platform.

Still, if you choose a premium theme, you’ll get more features and customization functionalities as well as regular updates and support. Moreover, since these themes are paid, they’re not used as frequently as the free ones, which makes them more unique.

Factors for picking a WordPress theme

Additional factors to take into account before you choose a WordPress theme and make a purchase include:

  • Simplicity. You don’t want clutter on your travel blog, so it’s best to keep things simple and avoid flashy animations, complex layouts, and too many colors. The visual aspect of your website shouldn’t distract readers from your content. Your theme should be easy on the eyes and used to accentuate your blog posts and travel photos.
  • Responsiveness. Given that many people use their smartphones to surf the internet, it’s more important than ever to make sure your content displays properly on screens of all sizes. That’s why the theme you choose should be responsive.
  • Browser compatibility. Your readers will visit your travel blog from different browsers, and it’s essential that the theme you pick looks good on each one of them.
  • Plugin support. WordPress is powerful mainly because of the abundance of plugins it offers. Therefore, opt only for a theme that supports the most popular and useful plugins.
  • SEO friendliness. Search engine optimization is everything when it comes to any kind of blogging and creating content. Having an SEO-friendly theme plays an important role when it comes to how Google will rank your travel blog.

Where to purchase your WordPress themes?

Now that you know all this, here are a couple of the theme shops that we recommend:

  • Elegant Themes. One of the most popular WordPress themes, Divi by Elegant Themes, takes the entire concept of a page-builder to the next level. It will enhance the entire website building experience as there’s a module for everything you can think of – CTAs, blogs, web forms, testimonials, you name it. For only $89 a year, you can create a functional, visually appealing blog.
  • Theme Forest. This marketplace for WordPress themes is another big repository where you can find visually-appealing, high-quality designs for your blog. Although you’ll have to pay about $50 for a single theme, each one comes with countless customization options that will make your blog super attractive.

If you want to make money off your travel blog, then it absolutely makes sense to invest in its visual appeal.

Step 7: Come Up With Your Logo

It’s crucial to build and grow your brand if you want to set yourself apart from all the other travel bloggers.

And, since visual identity is such an important aspect of your overall branding, it’s highly recommended to get yourself a logo. This little detail will make your blog easy to remember, which really matters, especially when you’re just trying to establish yourself in this highly competitive niche.

How to come up with your logo?

There are two options depending on your budget.

Use a free graphic design tool

If you’d like to cut corners, then you can always go for a DIY approach.

You don’t have to be a professional designer to try and create your logo in Canva. This free platform comes with a number of different options and functionalities, and what’s even more important, it’s user friendly.

For example, it has a simple drag-and-drop feature with which you can play around and make your own designs.

There are free logo templates that you can customize with your brand colors and name. And voila! Your logo is done.

And you can always revisit and revamp it later when your blog takes off and starts generating revenue.

Hire a designer on Fiverr, Upwork

In case you’re not happy with how your attempt at designing your logo turned out, you can outsource this task to a professional.

Fiverr is a platform on which you can hire freelancers with different skills, and you can find a designer willing to create you a logo at a reasonable price.

The process of picking a designer isn’t a shot in the dark – you can check their portfolios and reviews before making a decision.

Step 8: Install Plugins

Having the right set of plugins will help your travel blog run smoothly and seamlessly, and boost its functionality.

To start installing your plugins, head to your WordPress dashboard and click the Plugins tab.

Here are some of the must-have plugins to make your life as a travel blogger significantly easier:

  • Yoast SEO. We’ll start with an essential element of your plugin toolkit. Yoast SEO will make sure that your search engine optimization efforts are on point. In other words, it will allow you to make adjustments that will boost your Google rankings and help you stand out among all the other travel blogs.
  • Akismet. Spammy comments are annoying, but apart from that, they can also make it difficult for you to filter the ones that are relevant and genuine. With Akismet, you won’t have to worry about this problem.
  • Mash Share. Expanding the reach of your travel blog is crucial for its success. Social media plays an important role in the process, which is why you should provide your readers with an easy way to share content. Mash Share will automatically add social media buttons to every single post on your website.
  • Interactive World Maps. While previously mentioned plugins are a staple on many websites, Interactive World Maps have been designed for travel blogs specifically. This paid plugin is great if you want to show all the places you’ve been and add links to the pages about specific destinations.
  • Grammarly. If you don’t want your content to be riddled with typos and grammar errors, install this plugin. This particularly applies if you don’t have a proofreader, as editing and checking your own writing requires a lot of hard work.

Step 9: Start Creating Content

The first and most important thing about content is that it has to be no short of superb. It will take a while until you learn the ropes and start producing amazing posts that your audience will eagerly share on social media, but you’ll get there.

Read a lot of books, travelogues, and your competitors’ content for inspiration.

Apart from mastering the skill of quality writing, there are some other stepping stones to starting a successful blogging career.

Create the About Me page

Before you write and publish your first travel blog post, you should create the About Me page.

Introduce yourself and tell your audience more about who you are, why you decided to start a blog about traveling, and anything else that you want them to know about you. Easy as this might seem, coming up with the copy for this page shouldn’t be taken lightly.

It’s what will make your visitors stay on your travel blog and actually decide to read your posts. Don’t hesitate to share some interesting facts about yourself and even let some of your quirks slip. The trick is to come off as sincere and genuine, as that’s the best way to amass a readership.

Craft and publish your first post

Your first blog post should be about yourself too, so expand the About Me copy additionally. Talk about your life and travel philosophy, all the places you’ve been and the ones that you plan on visiting, and tell your readers what you will write about and why they should bookmark your travel blog.

Don’t forget that you’re not writing an academic paper, so let your true colors shine. There’s no need to be afraid to get up close and personal with your readers and talk about all the silly mistakes you’ve made, share anecdotes, and generally speaking, let your hair down.

OK, it’s true that you have to offer your own unique perspective on things, but it doesn’t mean that every single content piece should revolve around you. The whole point of travel blogging is to offer useful travel tips, share useful information that will help your readers plan their next trip, and be informative.

If you notice that your approach to writing is “I did this, I went there, or I tried that,” use the backspace button and start again. Ask yourself whether your audience cares about your musings.

Create Pillar Content

Travel is a broad topic, so in order not to spread yourself too thin, it’s best to pick two or three categories that you would like to write about and start from there.

Pillar content is a very effective strategy that focuses on creating exhaustive content pieces that cover a particular topic and offers answers to any question that your readers might have about it.

Although a pillar page contains a single long-form piece, it’s not in-depth, but it links to separate blog posts that discuss different sections of the original piece in more detail.

For example, your pillar content can be about a country you visited, and in subsequent related blog posts, you can talk about its cuisine, culture, lifestyle, or anything else that might be of interest to your readers.

The key is to provide your readers with helpful takeaways and create pieces that will add value to their life.

Promote Your Content

It’s true that social media can give your content a significant boost in terms of visibility and reach, but that’s not the only way to promote your blog.

Here are a couple of ideas to help you establish yourself as a respectable travel blogger:

  • Guest posting. When you’re just starting out, it’s important to connect with the important people in your niche and tap into their audience. That’s why you should reach out to editors of blogs that rank higher than you and pitch your guest post idea. They will get a high-quality article for free while you’ll get a chance to present yourself to a broader audience and attract some organic traffic.
  • Attending events and conferences. Never miss a networking opportunity. Even at this moment when the entire world is brought to a halt by the ongoing pandemic, there are various online events, podcasts, fireside chats, and other ways of connecting remotely with your audience and other people from the industry. This way you’ll not only learn about the latest trends in your niche but also establish yourself as an authority. Of course, this won’t happen overnight, but you need to persistent and put yourself out there.
  • Joining social media groups and communities. This tactic comes with a number of benefits. First of all, by joining relevant groups and communities on social media, you’ll have an opportunity to find out more about your audience’s interests and preferences, and implement these findings into creating better, more targeted content. Also, you’ll have an opportunity to participate in discussions, offer your point of view, and help others by answering their questions. This is an excellent way of gaining visibility and sending traffic to your blog.

Step 10: Optimize Your Content for Search Engines

All the previous steps will be in vain if your content isn’t properly optimized for search engines. No matter how sensational and useful your blog posts are, your potential readers won’t be able to find them in an avalanche of other content.

That’s why you have to amplify your blogging efforts by implementing an SEO strategy.

First of all, set up Google Analytics for your blog. This will allow you to keep track of your traffic, monitor your rankings, see how many visits you have, as well as obtain valuable insights about your audience and their preferences, interests, and needs. For example, with Google Analytics, you’ll be able to pinpoint what your most popular content pieces are and figure out what makes them so effective.

As starting a blog requires a lot of hard work, you need all the help you can get in creating awesome content and optimizing it for search engines. That’s where Yoast SEO comes in to guide you through the process.

However, you still have to know what some of the travel SEO best practices are in order to make the most of this super useful plugin:

  • Word count plays an important role when it comes to travel blogging. Aim for more than 2,500 words if you want to make it to the top of the search engine results page.
  • Content relevance is another factor that’s essential for the success of your travel blog. Before you start crafting your every blog post, analyze what your audience is searching for, and make sure that your piece matches their intent.
  • Leverage a lot of high-quality images. Your audience expects not only to read about the places you visit but also to see the photos you snap around the world. Photography is a powerful story-telling mechanism, so make sure to include it generously in your blogging efforts.
  • Add internal links. This is an important step of getting your SEO right, because it connects your content, helps your readers navigate your blog and find all the relevant information about a particular topic, and allows Google to understand the structure of your website.
  • Craft meta tags. The purpose of meta descriptions, meta titles, and alt tags is to offer Google additional information about what your content is about.
  • Include keywords. In order to make it possible for your blog audience and Google to find your content through searches, you should add relevant keywords and phrases.

Bear in mind that starting a blog without an SEO strategy in place won’t yield the results you expect, so if you want to generate more traffic, follow these tips.

Step 11: Start Making Money as a Travel Blogger

No guide to starting a travel blog would be complete without a section on how to monetize your blogging efforts.

You don’t have to wait until you grow your audience to start making money off your travel blog, as there are some simple strategies that won’t annoy your visitors. If your content is relevant, interesting, and useful, it will generate monetization opportunities and increase your odds of success.

Let’s see how making money off your travel blog works and how much you can make.

Advertise on Google AdSense

AdSense is Google’s program that allows you to place ads on your blog and receive a commission every time your visitors view, click on, and interact with them.

Advertisers who want to promote their products and services pay for this commission, and your earnings depend on factors such as the number of visits your blog gets, the type of content you publish, where your visitors come from, etc.

You can pick the size of banners as well as their placement and experiment until you get the best results.

Don’t be disappointed if you don’t get substantial amounts of money after you just start a blog. Keep in mind that you can earn $1 per 1,000 visitors. Even though this might sound underwhelming, be persistent, and as the number of your visits increases, your commission will grow too.

Finally, after you start attracting more than 25,000 visitors per month, you can switch to Mediavine and watch your income grow. In other words, some travel bloggers are able to generate 50,000 visits in their first year after setting up a blog, which translates to about $750 a month in passive income.

Not bad for travel blogging newbies.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is another super easy and effective way to monetize your blog, but the truth is that a lot of people have no idea what this strategy is all about.

Let’s say you promote another company’s product by mentioning or recommending it on your blog and adding a link where it can be purchased. When your reader clicks on that link and decides to make a purchase, you get a commission from that company. That’s how affiliate marketing works.

It’s as simple as that – you join an affiliate marketing program, such as Amazon Associates, find relevant products through it, and use affiliate links in your content. The right way to capitalize on this strategy with your travel blogging is by writing high-quality packing lists and detailed reviews.  However, there’s a catch – in order for these content pieces to be eligible for a commission, they need to rank high on Google, so it’s important to optimize them properly for search engines.

There are other programs that you can join, such as, Skyscanner, or World Nomads. As you can see, all of these are closely related to traveling, so it’s safe to use affiliate links for finding accommodation, affordable flights, and travel insurance.

Now that we’ve covered all the basics to help you start blogging, we should answer some frequently asked questions.

How Much Do You Have to Invest in Starting a New Blog?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question because it all depends on your plans and aspirations.

Practically nothing

If you want to start blogging only because you would like to keep a journal of your travels and share it with your friends and family, then you don’t need to invest anything but your time. This means that you don’t even need to pay for hosting. Instead of that, set up a new blog on – notice that it’s different from The former is a self-hosted solution, while the latter is referred to as managed hosting. In a nutshell, by opting for you don’t have to download or install software and pay for hosting as everything is free. You’ll also have access to free themes and basic plugins.

In case that your blogging turns out to be successful, you can always move it to a self-hosted platform.

Approximately $120

If you’re wondering how to start a travel blog that’s professional and yet not too expensive, you don’t have to worry because it’s possible. Your upfront investment doesn’t have to be high, but there are some things that you can’t sacrifice.

  • Hosting. Every successful travel blog is self-hosted. This means that we wouldn’t recommend setting up your website on Head to Bluehost and if you sign up for their basic plan, it will cost you about $71 for the entire year.
  • A theme. Purchase a professional-looking and elegant ThemeForest theme for about $50, and you’re good to go.

These two expenses are pretty much everything that you’ll have to pay for if you want to start blogging professionally. A $120 investment isn’t that much even if you’re strapped for cash.

Upwards of $150

Prospective bloggers who want to amplify their efforts and start making substantial amounts of money, need to invest more.

The sum we’re talking about is at least $150, to cover a three-year hosting plan with Bluehosting and a ThemeForest theme. However, those who would like to tweak their website will have to splurge more on plugins and premium features.

Besides investing in these tools and platforms, it’s a good idea to think about improving and expanding your skill set by taking up a specialized SEO, marketing, or blogging course that will help you become an expert and start making some serious money.

Is Starting a Travel Blog Worth It?

Type “travel blog” into Google, and see how many results you’ll get – a lot would be an understatement.

Of course, not every one of these blogs is successful or making money, but the market is very saturated, and it won’t get any better.

Another discouraging fact says that there are only 10 spots on the first page of search results, which means that you’ll have to try very hard if you want to come close to that popular bunch.

We won’t lie and try to sugarcoat the truth – it’s very difficult to succeed in such challenging circumstances.

But it’s not impossible.

On the bright side, besides a huge increase in the number of blogs over the past couple of years, there are also many more opportunities to make money. Basically, all those travel bloggers contributed to setting up new avenues for income. Pioneers in this niche managed to earn about $1,000 a month, while now there are many people who make six figures each year.

If you’re serious and dedicated, you can make it but it requires persistence, discipline, and following all the steps that we listed so far.

The bottom line is that it’s not too late to start a travel blog, build a loyal audience, and capitalize on your nomadic lifestyle.

How to Start a Travel Blog in 2021?

Instead of your regular closing word, we’ll recap some of the most important things about starting a travel blog in 2021.

First of all, it can’t be stressed enough that although it’s a crowded niche, there’s enough room for everybody, so don’t be put off by the fact that there will be hundreds of competitors breathing down your neck.

Secondly, yes, this can be a lucrative opportunity, but don’t expect that money will be pouring on the moment you publish your first couple of blogs. It’s a process, and you need to do things step-by-step.

Be persistent, hard-working, and never stop improving your skills and competencies. This post can be your starting point as it lists all the stages of setting up your travel blog and offers you an approximate estimate of your expenses.

Finally, this should be fun, so try to enjoy it while you’re blogging.

Good luck!